Giving During the Holidays Without Getting Taken

Every year during the holidays, people in New England look for ways to give gifts, not just to family and friends but to those less fortunate. It’s the spirit of the season. Unfortunately, some of the charities out there don’t help people as fully as they claim – or possibly not at all. As if that […]

Check for Storm Damage

How to Check Your Property for Damage After a Storm  When a big storm hits in New England, you hunker down inside, relying on your home to protect you and your family. Once that storm passes, though, it’s time to repay the favor — identifying damage and protecting your home from further issues. The National […]

Fall Home Safety

Arriving along with the season of autumn is a host of safety hazards we didn’t have to think about over the summer, creating the need for a little extra vigilance. As the temperatures…

Denim Day 2016

Worcester, MA (September 13, 2016) –  Insurance Marketing Agencies (IMA) will be participating in The American Cancer Society Denim Day on October 7th.   ​ Denim Day is a fundraiser created with one goal in mind: To finish the fight against breast cancer.  Participants who donate $5 or more to this cause are permitted to […]

The Pros and Cons of Co-Signing Student Loans

It seemed like only yesterday our kids were starting kindergarten and now they are preparing to go off to college.  The costs of college today can be exorbitant and most students need to take out loans to cover the costs of tuition, fees and room and board.   While it is typically not necessary to have […]

A Few Good Things to Know About Restaurant Insurance

As with any business, restaurant owners need to protect themselves with a comprehensive insurance policy.  Restaurant policies are similar to other business policies in that they cover the restaurant’s property in case of basic perils like fire and theft but can also extend to disastrous perils, like floods and earthquakes.  The policy may also provide […]