Cyber Catastrophe and the FBI

claims with an edge

what you need to know


Attribution: DeviantArt


A common theme in my articles is that insurance funding is a last resort. Planning, or dollars committed pre-loss will significantly reduce your chances of a disruptive event. 

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower 

When your first line of defense is breached, you will be in a better position to mitigate the loss, contain costs, and return to normal business operations.  

A Cyber breach can cost you hundreds/thousands of lost man-hours. The breach can be as disruptive as a major fire in your building. Without a plan, your recovery is measured in weeks and months, not days or hours.  


Damage control. Notify the authorities and your Cyber insurance carrier. 

My Perspective: 

  • Insurance carriers align themselves with national cyber forensic experts that can mitigate your loss.  
  • Insureds with dedicated IT staff can sometimes negotiate the use of a preferred vendor. The carrier has final say.  
  • Notify the FBI. It can reduce your loss by 85%, according to a 2023 report by ChainAlysis. 
  • The FBI transcends local and national boundaries, and it costs nothing. 
  • They have the authority to engage global resources for success. 
  • It will ensure your regulatory compliance. 


Trucking firm – delivered 100k+ of goods based on a fraudulent purchase order. 

College – their online admission system was subverted for a month – $500k. 

Exclusive Nantucket Resort -online reservation system was compromised in their busiest season for 3 months – 1.6 mil. 

Regional food franchise – 50+ locations were disrupted by parent company’s breach of their online ordering platform- 1.2 mil. 

It happens, it sucks, and you are not immune. Global companies with dedicated IT security are shocked when they are compromised.  


  • The bad guys are a step ahead. The rest of us are plugging holes. 
  • Clients that suffer a Cyber Breach are shocked by the scale and magnitude of the impact on their business. Often scrambling for solutions after the event.  
  • Post-event, most clients up their cyber coverage and bolster their internet security protocols.  
  • With no plan, count on one week, under pressure to develop a plan and begin to manage the situation.  


My primary role at IMA is to help clients with claims. I would prefer my salary to be allocated to pre-loss security rather than post-loss chaos. Either way, I will help. It is what I enjoy. 


Impact of Cyber Events on US/Global Industries

The US financial services industry is a prime target for cyberattacks, leading to substantial business disruption costs. To mitigate these risks, organizations must implement robust cyber risk management strategies, such as quantifying potential losses through cyber risk modeling and understanding the implications of cyber security liability.

Leveraging AI and Automation to Address Security Challenges

AI and automation can revolutionize your cybersecurity strategy. The latest advancements in threat detection and incident response are reducing costs and increasing scale. A full risk mitigation strategy combines risk assessment with comprehensive cyber insurance.

Current Trends Increasing Costs of Cyber Attacks / Data Breaches

What is behind the rising financial impact of cyber-attacks? Increasing sophistication, the use of AI and growing use of ransomware are fundamentally changing the landscape. We look at evolving strategies for mitigation


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